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Monday, May 30, 2011

101 Celebrity Life Secrets! The all-star diet secrets

by Caroline James through Daily Mirrors

1 Spice things up
Supermodel Gisele Bundchen adds chilli to meals. It speeds up digestion by up to 25%, so you burn more calories.
2 Try a healthy start
Actress Tina O’Brien starts the day with porridge to give her energy. “I loved eating it while doing Strictly,” says Tina. “It kept me dancing.” 3 Low-fat treats
Christina Hendricks confesses: “My new obsession is Haagen Dazs low-fat frozen yoghurt in dulce de leche. It’s so good.”
4 Moderation
While too much of a good thing can lead to diet disaster, Twiggy knows a little of what you fancy can do you good. “I allow myself a pudding a month,” she says.
5 Plan for snack attacks
You’ll be less likely to binge on junk if you have a healthy morsel to hand. “My friends make fun of me as I carry around a cooler filled with snacks,” says Denise Richards.
6 Avoid outright bans
“I went through periods when I said, ‘I can’t have this’, or, ‘I can’t have that’,” says Sex and the City star Kristin Davis. “Now I don’t deprive myself. I love M&Ms! By giving myself permission, I don’t crave them as much.”
7 Make simple swaps
Kimberley Walsh knows diet success is all about making the right choices: “I make sensible choices,” she says. “Like brown bread, not white.”
8 Think before drink
“I’ll drink vodka instead of wine as it has less calories,” says Sienna Miller.
9 Get steamy
Angelina Jolie knows that steaming is the healthiest way to cook  food. “I eat steamed sea bass or beef and vegetables,” she says.
10 Avoid portion distortion
Actress Jennifer Metcalfe has a health and fitness degree. Her diet wisdom is: “I eat only until I’m full – for the last six months I’ve been eating whatever I want, but I’ve been having smaller portions of it.”
11Pick prunes when peckish
Sharon Stone snacks on prunes, which ease bloating and contain wrinkle-beating vitamin E.
12 Be a fruit and nutcase
When Demi Moore craves sugar, she eats apple slices with peanut butter.
13 Live a little!
“Eat well, exercise and get lots of sleep, but indulge occasionally,” says Michelle Pfeiffer. “At my age I think, ‘What the hell’, and eat a doughnut.”
14 Brush your teeth
To curb sugar cravings, Pamela Anderson brushes her teeth or chews sugar-free gum.
15 Inspire yourself
“Find a picture of yourself that you look great in and post it up,” advises Beyonce.
EastEnders star Charlie Brooks says: “I take a picture of myself in my bikini every week and keep  it on my phone so I see what shape I’m in.”
16 Ditch the diet
Singer Mel B says: “My mum’s been on a diet for the last 20 years, but if she called it a healthy lifestyle, it would take the pressure off.”
17 Move more
“Find what works for you,” says singer Lulu. “Taking thestairs instead of lifts really helps.”
18 Get up, work out
Jennifer Aniston says exercise is best in the morning: “You get addicted to the euphoric feeling of getting up and having a good sweat.”
19 Find a gym buddy
Reese Witherspoon says: “It’s an acquired skill, chatting while running. We’ve mastered it!”
20 Kid around
Model Heidi Klum’s kids keep her fit. “We do a lot of things that are active,” she says.
21 Trick yourself
Actress Jessica Alba does 10 minutes on the treadmill before stepping off to do weights – and then she jumps back on again.
Breaking up exercise makes it seem like less of a slog.

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