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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Educational, love, Life, Liberty: Weiner's Happenis

Anthony Weiner may have rocked the Twitter community and subsequently the rest of America with his infamous weiner pic, but he's not the first politician to engage in a good ol' fashioned sex scandal!
Now with the word "weiner" printed on every major news source around, this may be a good time to explain to your children what a sex scandal is and why they will be seeing them affect our political system for years to come.
Luckily, the folks over at Jimmy Kimmel Live have made this catchy and educational Schoolhouse Rock style music video to effectively teach your young ones all about a sex scandal in hopes they will one day AVOID one!
Check out the Pursuit of Happenis above, but we were kind of just kidding about actually showing this to your kids. LOLz!

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