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Friday, June 10, 2011

World's Most (192 Pieces on her face) Pierced Woman Gets Married

World's Most Pierced Woman
Elaine Davidson, "the world's most pierced woman", has finally found the ring that matters most.
The 46-year-old Edinburgh, Scotland resident with nearly 7,000 piercing married conservatively dressed civil servant without a piercing on his body, Douglas Watson.
Despite the 192 pieces of jewelry almost completely covering her face during the ceremony, Watson gushed:
"Elaine looked astonishing. People see the piercings, but I see the amazing personality underneath. We have known each other for a long time."
Aww! That's so true! It's what is in the inside that counts!
Among her fantastic personality, she also has 1,500 piercings INSIDE HER as well! Wowzers. That's a lot of metal.
The Guinness world record holder never removes any of the piercings, but says she is able to lay down and sleep completely comfortably without any pain!
We'd like to wish this happy couple the best! Good luck in the future!
Source perezhilton.com and image via Getty

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